Another artist at this weekend’s Art in the Garden was Geoff Creswell. He draws wild animals, the caged and uncaged.

Deborah Maxwell (see previous post) was his art teacher at Emporia High.



Geoff has worked in the Emporia and Topeka zoos – and with various organizations in Africa doing chimp and gorilla rehab. Many of these drawings are animals he worked with.



The artist – Geoff Creswell.


Janet and Larry Fish of Madison check out Geoff’s art.


  1. Janet were you reading the T- Shirt that read:
    One farmer feeds 129 people & you (but he has to be sliced very thin)!
    (As an old farmer’s daughter———-I sucked air when I read that!!!!!!!)
    Some things are funny———-some——things others think are funny——I’m not sure about———-& sometimes I think a lot of things are funny no one else thinks are funny!!!!!!!!!
    I guess I was thinking about my Dad (the FARMER) (who always worked so hard all his life providing for others—–) being sliced very thin to feed 129 people—–& I would rather not eat—–thank you!!!!!!! lol
    That T-shirt-really-got me—- guess I’m toooooooooo much Farmer’s daughter to really enjoy some things others do!!!!!! lol
    And instead of spending $800.00 on a water color——-I’d rather buy registered bred GOATS!!!!! lol——
    I guess –I place my enjoyment & art appreciation in other ways than many!!!!! lol
    Good picture of you & Larry enjoying!!!!!!!

  2. Probably so Rog———-you know how some days one thing hits you one way– & maybe another day—the same thing means something else to you!!!!!!!!!!
    And one day something is funny— & another time the same thing isn’t!!!!!

  3. The shirt we were reading said, “It’s pretty, but is it art?” I thought that was a great saying. The picture was funny too. I had to look at it hard to be sure I was seeing what my brain was telling me I was seeing, a flasher?

    I’d almost rather buy art than food or clothes. But I can’t buy art very often, so when we do, we make sure it means something to us.

    They had some terrific art at this show. The show was small, but quality. I saw a lot I liked, for sure. I can’t afford Terry Maxwell. I have a print of his I bought soon after we moved here.


  4. BTW, that one picture with the gorilla hand hanging out of the bars grabbed my heart. I didn’t price it and probably couldn’t have afforded it, but it’s the sort I would consider buying. What a sad, poignant picture that was, and done just beautifully.


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