
It’s a tower. One. One tower. At least as far as I can tell.



One tower. Or am I missing something? But some folks ’round here like to call it Broadview Towers. And I think, honestly, that people just think the word tower sounds incomplete without the s. That’s OK, no big deal. It’s just one of those quirky Emporia things.


  1. Well, if you stand back and squint while looking through a water misted winshield and say “towers towers towers” it can sort of look like three towers standing very close to each other. Kinda, maybe.

  2. It is also where W. L. White held a dinner introducing Bob Dole to the Eastern Kansas Press as he was launching his congressional career back in the 1960s..

  3. Why do some of the windows look like they have little grey aprons on them? What are those? HHHHMMM. Maybe like me they had to duct tape thier windows shut?

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