In Ellinwood, an old Valentine Diner has recently been renovated to become this attractive summer snack shop.  Until recently, it was the Ark Valley Veterinary Hospital. There are two Valentine Diners still in Ellinwood. Here’s a list of the ones still in existence in Kansas.

They sell snow cones, ice cream and smoothies. Passing through Ellinwood one hot day last week, I stopped for ice cream: espresso ecstasy – and it tasted great.

They had dozens of choices. Back when I was a kid, we had cherry, grape and banana. I was a grape girl.

1 Comment

  1. In my youth we did have two choices, the icecream or raspberry.
    Still, after all those years, do know the taste of the Friesche Koe raspberry.

    One of today’s nation’s favorite is the Magnum.

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