In honor of St. Patrick, Tracey Graham was greened-up and selling green things at today’s Farmers Market in downtown Emporia.

She even fancied up some flip-flops in green.

Jane McCoy and Eric Martin sounded fabulous. It wasn’t just me who thinks so, everyone one was saying, “Aren’t they great?”

Linda Simmons’ peanut butter cookies. I didn’t buy any because I’m hoping to eliminate some cellulite before shorts season, but I’ve had her cookies before and they are incredible. Pretty and tasty!

To order her cookies, candies or gift baskets, call 620-412-2632 or (cell) 816-506-1970.  Or e-mail Linda at:

Not everyone could carry these socks off, but, yeah, Steve Graham can. He picked out the yarn and his wife (Tracey, above) did the knitting.

So, if you’re looking for some flip-flop socks, Tracey is your gal.


  1. Even when you have never met him, he just seems like a guy that you have known all of your life. Our grandchildren saw him at the parade and thought he was cool! I asked them if they wanted me to buy some socks like that. They said “Maybe, but they wouldn’t wear them in public.” 🙂

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