The photo is kinda crinkled – not my brother. He’s not crinkled in the least. This is him at, I don’t know (!), 15, maybe. I’m guessing it’s from when he was a freshman or sophomore in high school. Nice looking kid, huh?

Anyhoo, it’s my big brother’s birthday today! So, if you wish, send birthday greetings to the Alaskansan!

You can find Leon Unruh every day of the week over at where you can read his snappily written column: Too Long in the Wind.

Several years ago, I wrote a piece about Leon, called Oh, Brother.

He’s still the smartest person I know.


  1. I see Leon, even then, was prepared for the day. He has a writing instrument with him. A good trait! You would be surprised how many people are not wired this way.

    Happy birthday, Leon.

  2. Thanks, Roger.

    And Cheryl, thank you for finding one of my favorite pictures — at least, one of my favorite shirts. My sons will be quick to point out that the pen reveals my geekiness.

  3. See what I mean? You’d be amazed how many students come on campus for finals with no writing instruments. I go to meetings and people always need to barrow my pen. Give me a break!

  4. A writer without pen/pencil in pocket or in hand is like Kansas without sunflowers…just ain’t possible.

    Happy Birthday, Leon.

    When I was in school, I always had a “loaner” pencil or pen for those who wanted to borrow. In the OR, when the surgeons wanted to borrow my pen, I either had a cheap one to lend or I invoked the “three-foot rule.” I would stay withing three feet of them so the pen didn’t leave the room.

  5. Oh gosh, every geek needs one!

    Larry’s older than you, but in college he had a pocket protector with pens and pencils in his shirt pocket, and a slide rule case (that contained a slide rule) on his belt.

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