
Someone must have slipped in prayers for moisture, because we’ve had four days of rain, rain rain. About 2 p.m. today, the sun came out. First time we’ve seen it since at least Tuesday.

It was not a good weekend for the annual Daylily Tour at Nina and Gaylord West’s Toad Hollow Daylily Farm east of Emporia.


You know how newspapers always (and I want to strangle the reporters) say that “rain didn’t dampen the spirits” of whatever event took place?

Well, rain did dampen the spirits of daylily lovers because no one showed up yesterday to slog around in the rain and look at pretty flowers. There were a few visitors this afternoon after the sky began to clear.


A butterfly dressed up as a dead leaf, slurps juice from a cone flower. (Brand of butterfly – ??) Update: Dave says it’s a Gray Comma butterfly.


Wildlife at Toad Hollow – Nina’s Tiger. A furocious animal.


  1. It’s a wonderful photo. I think it’s a Gray Comma butterfly. When opened, the inside of the wings has a rose and black pattern.

  2. I’ll have to see if I can find pictures of it someplace online. I’ve never seen that butterfly. It always fascinates me to see natural camoflage like that.

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