
Celebrate Kansas Day, buy a Kansas book!

May I suggest…

FOP small

A collection of 80 essays about the Kansas experience: Flyover People – Life on the Ground in a Rectangular State. I write about the wind and the weather and the seasons. I write about people and places, about growing up in a small town.

Also available on Kindle.

Dog small

Or how about a thriller written by my brother: Dog of the Afterworld. Leon Unruh begins his action novel in Anchorage with a Russian assassin ready to take out a dock worker. Nik, the assassin, fails, and is sent on another mission – to Kansas – to redeem himself.

Also available on Kindle.

Tiger Hunting

And here’s a fun book set in western Kansas: Tiger Hunting. Tracy Simmons, now of Emporia, writes about a young woman, Jeni Renzelmen, who returns to her hometown of Dodge City to figure out the mess she’s made of her life. The novel begins with a wreck involving circus animals. It’s an engaging story of loss, family expectations and finding one’s way.

Also available as an e-book.



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